Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Neat example of XML and XSL with a DB2 twist

datori.blog: HTML documentation for a database schema

And you probably thought that all of the DB2 enthusiasts in Toronto only worked for IBM. Nick Ivanov, a database consultant who has been posting helpful DB2 advice on various message boards for several years, is a recent and welcome addition to the community of DB2 bloggers. His latest post on his DB2 blog is a uniquely interesting approach to publishing DB2 data as XML, which is then transformed into HTML by an XSL style sheet, without any bulky content management system overhead.

With the help of XMLFOREST and other XML publishing functions within DB2, it's possible to build valid XML documents with sophisticated nesting and repeating elements, even from a single SQL SELECT. By employing the approach laid out in this article, you could take your XML data as is and publish it directly to the web.


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