Monday, September 08, 2008

Last chance to submit your abstracts for IDUG 2009 North America

IDUG 2009 North America site: Call for presentations

Today is the last official day to submit presentation abstracts for IDUG 2009 North America, which will be held in Denver from May 11-15, 2009. IDUG is looking for 60-minute technical presentations from real-world DB2 users (and vendors and consultants, too) that will help IDUG continue its long tradition as the premier provider of technical DB2 education. If your abstract is selected, your conference registration fee will be waived.

Don't be intimidated by the impending deadline. The abstract should contain only a brief summary of what you will present, followed by five (not six, not four) bullet points that show the major sections of your presentation. Submit as many abstracts as you like, and they will be reviewed fairly by the IDUG Conference Planning Committee (a volunteer group of DB2 users just like you).


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