Hi everyone,
After months of frustration with writing a
blog on Bloglines, I have decided to pull up stakes and make the move to Blogger, where keeping and publicizing a blog seems to be much less hassle. I expect the next few months to bring about many exciting revelations about DB2 Viper, so I wanted to make sure I had a solid platform for writing about it. Unless I come across a great big stretch of free time, I don't see myself copying my old posts from Bloglines over here.
My goal for this blog is to keep you all informed about new and interesting items about DB2 for LUW, since that is, in my opinion, one of the few topics on this earth that deserves a bit more coverage than it already gets. As for any other subject, you should have no problem finding plenty of blogs about it elsewhere, published by bloggers who write better and are more dedicated than I.
If you read my old blog, thanks. If you didn't, then I hope you'll stay and check out this one. Something interesting is bound to show up here sooner or later.