Monday, February 26, 2007

Fix Pack 2 for DB2 9 is now available to download

IBM support website: DB2 Version 9.1 fix packs and clients

After last week's hints of an imminent Fix Pack, IBM just released Fix Pack 2 for DB2 9, which contains an important security patch. Remember to test first!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Handy SQL-generating scripts to add to your toolbox

Systems Engineering and RDBMS blog: More DB2 LUW SQL Scripts

If you're just getting started with DB2, you may be thinking about the never-ending list of DB2 statements that you execute just to carry out your DBA duties. Generating those statements from short SQL queries (typically one or two lines, tops) against various SYSCAT views has got to be one of the most laudable manifestations of laziness. Aside from saving tremendous amounts of time (especially for databases with lots of objects), this approach also helps to cut down on typos, since you're not entering nearly as many commands by hand. The scripts in the blog post cover some of the most common DB2 tasks, and an earlier post from the same blog includes a few more. If you're not already generating most of your repeatable DB2 commands from scripted queries against the catalog, it's never too early or too late to take that plunge. Do it, and you'll never look back.

Fix Pack 2 for DB2 9 is about to hatch

DBA Place blog: IBM DB2 for Linux Temporary File Creation Vulnerability

It seemed like we were due for a new Fix Pack anyway, since we're coming up on three months since IBM released FP1. You may not see the Fix Pack on IBM's site today, but it's clearly on its way, as evidenced by IBM APAR records that reference the fix.

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Vote for your favorite DB2 blogger on ITtoolbox

ITtoolbox site:Second Annual IT Community Choice Awards

Congratulations to Chris Eaton and Willie Favero for making it to the final round of voting in the ITtoolbox blog awards. If either Chris or Willie have posted something that has helped you get more out of DB2, I hope you'll head over and vote for them, not just as a personal gesture of thanks, but also as a message to IBM that you consider technical blogs such as theirs to be a valuable resource.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

DB2 9 is a finalist for the 2007 CODiE awards

2007 CODiE Awards website: Finalist Showcase - Best Database Management Solution

Leon Katsnelson from the Toronto Lab pointed out in a recent blog entry that the SIIA has promoted DB2 9 to the finals in the category of Best Database Management Solution. This means that DB2 9 and other category finalists will be subjected to weeks of intense scrutiny by either a panel of judges or a bevy of intimidating models. Either way, I wish DB2 9 the best of luck.


A Valentine's sampler of IDUG updates

  • The advance schedule for the upcoming IDUG North America conference in May is now online, but at least some of the details in that schedule are bound to change over the next three months.

  • The early bird discount of $345 off the 2007 conference fee will be offered until March 23, 2007.

  • RUG members are eligible for an additional discount.

  • This raffle for a free conference registration may still be active. Couldn't hurt to try it out once.

  • If this is the first IDUG conference you've attended since 2003, while you're registering, please tell them that I, Fred Sobotka, (your humble blog buddy) am the one who sent you.

In other IDUG news, the latest Solutions Journal is in the mail as well as online. Even though Martin Hubel and his talented team put together yet another fine issue, I would not recommend giving it in lieu of a Valentine's Day card.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Last chance to nominate your favorite ITtoolbox blogger

ITtoolbox site:IT Community Choice Awards

With so many active DB2 bloggers on ITtoolbox, you probably read at least one of them on a regular basis. Here's your chance to give back a little by nominating your favorite blogger, new blog, and blog entry, among other categories. Thanks to 2005 award-winning blogger Chris Eaton for the reminder.
