Wednesday, November 01, 2006

2006 fourth quarter issue of DB2 magazine available online

DB2 magazine front cover Tracking the Truth is the cover story on 2006 Q4 issue of DB2 Magazine

Just in case you were expecting a dissertation on Kant, Hegel, and other long-dead philosophers who debated the meaning of truth, the cover story in the latest DB2 Magazine is actually about the Genographic Project a fascinating endeavor from the folks at National Geographic. Their DB2 data warehouse will store data regarding the mitochondrial DNA of thousands of human participants in order to shed some insight on the migration patterns of different groups of people over the past 50,000 years.

These and other features make this issue another excellent read for DB2 DBAs of all stripes.

Roger Sanders, a longtime contributor to the DB2 LUW community, gives some pointers on cloning an entire database for testing. There may be more prolific DB2 columnists out there, but - unlike Roger - they all work for IBM.